No Reservation Fees | No Late Booking Fees | No Service Charges
You do not pay additional fees or service charges if you book your vacation with us. Be it hotel accommodation, car rental, package tours, ferry reservation or cruises, we add no extra charge for providing you with the best travel and vacation package deals throughout the State of Alaska and Canada's Yukon Territory. Please compare our policy with other tour operator listings.
Big is not always better....
"My family travels frequently around the US, and I am their travel agent. I am not loyal to an airline, though for our routes SW airlines is often convenient. I am not loyal to a booking engine, but recently have had terrible problems with all the big ones - Orbitz really does false advertising as far as guaranteeing trip cost protection. Expedia still has my vacation package to Hawaii messed up after 4 phone calls. You might save money booking on line, but these travel/booking engines just can't fix the big problems, and don't seem willing to help, even when you've spent a hefty amount on a vacation. My one messed up itinerary, has now been split into 2. Then they sent me the hotel itinerary telling me it wasn't booked. Now they tell me the price has gone up"
"If you book with the airline, it is much easier to change the ticket, if need be. But recently, in a city oversees without airline offices or English speakers by phone, when an emergency forced me to change a return ticket, I was extremely lucky to have made the reservation with a US travel agent. Without them, I would still be trying to reach and find options from United via a long distance call to the US Instead"